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Monsieur Romain TESTART (1988/2017)

Mme Axel Zingsem, le 11/04/2017

Dear Christine, dear Jean-Luc,

while the loss of a loved one is never easy, even when anticipated, it is most certainly the hardest when they are taken from us too soon.

We offer our sincere condolence and deepest sympathy on your loss. We feel with you and your family. Know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.

Yours in peace,
Axel Zingsem with Susanne, Helena, Felix and Melissa

Mme Bindu Nair, le 05/04/2017

Hello Jean-Luc & Family,

We are very saddened to hear the sad news. May care and love of those around you and your family provide comfort and peace to get you and the whole family through the tough days ahead. Our most sincere condolences to you and your family.

Bindu Nair and all from Atos India ODC


Chers Christine, Jean-Luc, Mathilde et proches
Je pense très fort à vous dans ce moment très douloureux
Je partage votre peine et toutes mes pensées vont vers vous
Recevez mes sincères condoléances

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